Node.js vs Deno

January 23, 2022

Node.js vs Deno: Which one takes the cake?

JavaScript has been a language that has come a long way since its conception. It started out as a simple scripting language that would be run on browsers but now it has made its way into servers, desktop applications, and even mobile apps.

Node.js has been one of the leading tools for building server-side applications using JavaScript for many years now, but a new player in town is trying to take that crown. Deno has been gaining popularity among developers as a more secure, modern, and opinionated alternative to Node.js. But is it really all that it is said to be? In this post, we'll take a look at some of the features of both Node.js and Deno and compare them.

The Basics

Node.js is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, designed to make JavaScript code run faster. It was initially released in 2009 and has since become the go-to solution for server-side applications. Deno, on the other hand, was created by the creator of Node.js, Ryan Dahl in 2018. It is built using Rust, and like Node.js, it is designed to run JavaScript code outside of the browser.


Node.js has a vast library of over 900,000 packages available through the npm registry, making it easy to find and include packages for almost any use-case. On the other hand, Deno takes a different approach and has its standard libraries built-in, meaning that developers don't need to rely on external packages. However, this also means that there is a much smaller pool of packages available for Deno, with only around 30,000 packages available through its own registry.


Security is always a concern when it comes to server-side applications. Node.js does not provide any security out of the box, so it is up to the developer to ensure that their application is secure. Deno, on the other hand, provides a more secure environment by default. It runs each module in its sandbox, only giving access to the resources that are explicitly needed. It also doesn't allow access to files, the network, or the environment, unless specified by the user.

Installation and Execution

Node.js is relatively easy to install and execute, with installation being as simple as downloading and installing the required binaries. Execution is performed using the node command. Deno, on the other hand, makes things even more comfortable, with a single executable that can be installed using a shell command. Execution is done using the deno command.


Node.js is built on the V8 engine, optimized for running JavaScript. This design allows Node.js to run JavaScript code much faster than other solutions that use traditional JavaScript engines. Deno, also built on the V8 engine but using Rust for the event loop and typescript for the compiler, has been found to perform at similar levels to Node.js in most cases. However, in some cases, it has been found to be marginally slower than Node.js.


Both Node.js and Deno are powerful tools for building server-side applications using JavaScript. While Node.js has been around for a long time, Deno is quickly gaining popularity among developers. Each of these tools has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on your specific use case. If you need to rely on external packages and care about performance, Node.js is the better option. However, if security is the main concern, Deno is worth considering.


  1. Node.js Documentation
  2. Deno Documentation
  3. Why Deno is worth considering over Node.js
  4. Node.js vs. Deno: A Comprehensive Comparison

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